
Welcome to the present. A different present from our own,
but a present nonetheless.
Reason has replaced honor and plastic has replaced steel, but this is still Theah. Some things
are the same, many are different, but with time, one can be accustomed to anything.
Chapters 1 through 8 are currently available. Check yon left-aligned navbar to find them.
SEPTEMBER ??, 2003-- Welcome back, unless this is your first time here,
in which case, welcome to Theah 2000! Blah, blah, Dan whines about moving, Gencon, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the six
billion other things which prevented him from updating. For those of you who played the 7th Sea CCG, give us a big smile,
because this is BLACK FREIGHTER MONTH! Read this month's chapter for more details. -- D
For the inspiration behind this story, please see the original:
Team Naughty

7th Sea is the wholly owned intellectual property of Alderac Entertainment Group ( www.alderac.com). Everything related, like the names of places (Theah, Eisen, the Broken Compass Inn, etc.) is also theirs. The
stories and their exact configuration of words is copywright its authors, which at the moment is only me and three other guys.
You try to tell anyone that either of these is not true, and you're going to get a very unpleasent visit from the law.
Don't plagiarize. It's just rude.