A lot of people ask me why I started writing this story. I tend to look at them like they're crazy. I didn't
start writing this story, this story walked up to my door and started pounding on it until I answered and then demanded that
it be written, to hell with what I want. I think a good story should be like an insistent, moody cat: it should demand to
be written, not wait patiently to be coded to paper or .WPS document. Anyone who has a cat knows what I'm talking about. A
cat who wants breakfast will sit on your chest and use your nose for a punching bag if youre not awake yet. That's the way
handling this story went when I sat down WAAAY back in February of 2001 to write it. Truthfully, I never wanted to saddle
myself with a giant responsibility like this, but that story was so damn insistent. I also admit to being afraid that if I
never told this story, no one would, or worse, they would, and not do a good job (no offense to anyone, seriously!). Too many
times Ive arrived to late or sat on my arse while someone else did what had to be done, and the best I could do was pat them
on the back and help a little. Not this time, I said to myself, not when I've got the chance.
What was so special about March that I decided to debut the first episode on that month? The demise of 7th
Seas CCG. I was hoping to wait 2 more months at least, because I wanted to get a head start on the Chapters so that I had
plenty of time (6 months) to figure out a groove for getting 15,000 word chapters out the door on a regular basis, but I wanted
to snatch up as many fans as I could, since there are many non-RPG players that play the CCG and vice versa. Fans of both
will see some of the CCG present, like the People's Republic of Gossia and the State of the Coast being recognized as full
nations by the UWP and such like. I've received some criticism for this, but Id need a very big hanky to wipe off all the
gushing love Ive received from CCG players for remembering them. I think Gossia and the State have a good reason to be at
least thought of in a more modern Theah.
First, before I go any further, my deepest of apologies go to my French readers. I was misinformed on the
origin of the name Royce, and I should have done more homework before trusting he who told me that such a name was of French
origin. Many of you have expressed displeasure and his misnaming, and I am sorry for that; it was not intentional. My deepest
respect goes to the poor, miserable writers of the 7th Sea RPG, who, if they have half the ordeal I do modifying
real history and monkeying with names that I do, they are tortured souls indeed. It was initially not my intent to involve
so much of the intervening 332 years of Theah's history, but as I continue, I'm finding it impossible to avoid. Im still unsure
of how to broach certain topics, but everyone Ive talked to over private mail has been very helpful and supportive. Some time
at the good old library has supplied me with a lot of filled-in holes, to my unending delight. Still, finding out what people
do for fun in the Netherlands (and thus Vendel) in the dead of winter and such like eludes me. God willing, I'll do the the
world justice.
A lot of people (mostly CCG players) have pestered me with questions about these little postage-stamp countries
off in the Frothing Sea and La Boca de Cielo respectively. My formal answer is: wait and see. Gaël Lancelot was kind enough
to hammer out a Nation Profile for Montaigne, and hopefully I'll find time to write a few myself in the future. I will however,
perish a few rumors: the State is not the cognate of Portugal, not even close. The same is true of Gossia and Switzerland,
though the two are very similar in ideals and share an organization (Erica Baine is a reject from the Violet Guard, an organization
based on the Orange Guard of Switzerland).
It is not my intent to preach on anything here. I am not here to make a statement, I am here to entertain.
Please DO NOT read into my stories. While I do enjoy how Star Trek weaves philosophy into drama, I did not attempt to imitate
that here. The characters herein will face ordeals and difficult questions of many stripes, but none of these are really meant
to attack any school of thought or another. I repeat: this is a story, not a cleverly hidden message.
A couple of you have seen me with an arm brace, and I've been unable to shake your hands. For that I'm sorry,
but its nothing to worry about. My wrist was hurt at work, not making this wonderful story. And even if I did have CTS, I'd
still keep writing. If I need to stick a Phillips screwdriver in my teeth and tap the keyboard with my neck muscles, Ill still
be writing.
Lugh is an example of one of those happy accidents you never plan on but happens anyway. Lugh, I had originally
intended, would be a peripheral character with no real bearing on the story at all, apart from fleshing out Graham's character
a little more. When I received an e-mail from someone who shall remain nameless (for obvious reasons), I felt I couldn't any
longer. In addition to praising me for an excellent story, she told me in about 170-some-odd words why Lugh was her favorite
character and she could see him 'right in front of her, hands in his pockets, leaning back, yawning and asking me why I'm
not done writing this e-mail yet because he wants to take me to see a movie.' I thought that was really sweet until it dawned
on me how much time she probably spent writing that and how much she really thought about it. It kinda makes you feel different,
when someone considers your words so heavily, eh? I'm an emotional guy, but it still takes a bit to get me to cry, so when
I started wiping tears from my eyes after reading her e-mail, I knew that I was moved. I barely have any fans, and already
you guys love me. You know how that makes a guy feel?
I hate writing. I really do. But its the most efficient way in the world to tell a story, so in order to tell
a story, I must write. Therere times when I wish I was an artist, but an artist can only tell a thousand words with his pictures,
I can tell a story much longer with 15,000 words. An artist would have to do 150 pictures to match one chapter of T2K. I'm
kind of pleased with that. Also, we exert about the same amount of effort, so, if you don't mind, I'll paint with my lingual
skills from now on, eh?