"What is stuff? Well, it's better than shit, but not as good as loot." - Tribebook: Bone Gnawers
For the time being, this contains only joke cards. More STUFF will be added later.
"I Will Hug Him And Squeeze Him And Call Him George!" ACT: Tack your Captain and target a pet in this Sea.
If your Captain can attach the Pet, then he does so. If your Captain can't, discard the Pet. "Bring me that mongrel!"
- Captain Necros Four-Twenty 12 INF / 6 CANN ACT: Tack all Crew and Attachments in play. This card's
cost is reduced by 3 if Allende is your Captain. "I KNEW they had to have some kind of cash-crop on La Bucca!"
- The General You Can't Touch This! Adventuring 2 Knack CAPTAIN ATTACHMENT Draw two cards whenever
this crew begins a Boarding Attack. "I can take him." - Enrique Orduno, shortly before losing ever-so-slightly
to Torvo Espada Reis' Paddle 2 INF CRIMSON ROGER CAPTAIN ATTACHMENT * UNIQUE REACT: Tack when one
of your crew is tacking to produce skill points. That crew produces one extra skill point. "Um, Cap'n? I think
it'd work better if you flogged'em." - Riant Gaucher Guy's Pet Rock 1 INF EXPLORERS CAPTAIN ATTACHMENT
* PET * UNIQUE ACT: Tack and discard to inflict 1 Hit on a ship in this Sea. "Hey! I don't cast aspersions on
your pets, Reis!" - Guy McCormick Fadil 5 ADV CORSAIRS CAPTAIN ATTACHMENT * PET * UNIQUE REACT:
Tack Fadil when your Captain tacks. Draw and discard the top card of your deck. If it's a Thrust or Dagger, untack your
Captain. "Damned if I know why the 'Din has a parakeet. Doubly damned if I know why he lets it peck on his ear
all the time." - Imshi Puff Daddy 10 INF LA BOCA ATTACHMENT ACT: Tack Puff Daddy. If there
is a Chantey play, sink it. "Has he ever made a song of his own?" - One of my friends We Will
Rock You! 4 SWASH / 5 SWASH Any player may sink this Chantey by putting the Fugees into play. All Crew inflict 2
extra Hits during Boardings. "You've got mud on your face..." - Wilhelm Dunst A Couple Guys With
The Middle Name "The" 4 INF FORBIDDEN SEA ATTACHMENT REACT: Tack when a player is cancelling one of
your actions and pay 6 Influence. If that player is in the Forbidden Sea, they suffer 5 Hits. "You know, Johnny
The Shark, Jimmy The Squirrel..." - Robin Williams Ted Turner 11 ADV TRADE SEA ATTACHMENT * UNIQUE
* CONTROL * You must be in the Trade Sea to play this card. ACT: Tack Ted Turner to buy another Sea Attachment in play
and take control of it. Sink it to make a made-for-TV movie about and produce 4 Influence. ACT: Tack to get another Control
Card from your deck. "Shoot at their Feet!" REACT: Tack one of your Crew with a Pistol attached
instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Tack an opposing Crew in the Boarding. "Dance, bitch!" - Riant
Gaucher Not What You Think 5 ADV REACT: Play this card when an opponent tries to guess what you're going
to play next. Put one Crew or Sea Attachment from your hand into play. If it's the guessed card, sink it immediately
afterwards. "Like, people are so down on us mermaids. We're like, so totally not the stereotype. Yeah, we eat
the occasional sailor, but that's to keep our protein levels up -- you can only eat tofu for so long. Do you think my
roots are showing too much, or should I dye it again?" - Tiffany, one of Reis' Brides "We
Can Dance If We Want To!" 1 ADV / 3 ADV ACT: Tack one of your Gosse or Brotherhood Crew with at least 2 Swashbuckling
to produce 3 Influence. "'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance They're no friends of mine!"
- Peter Silver The Better Part of Pallor 5 ADV ACT: All players with Black Freighter Captains may go
through their decks and remove one non-Skeletal crew, and add that Crew to their hand. Those players then shuffle their decks.
"You know, she had a much better complexion now that she's dead..." - Espera, confessed necrophiliac
Derailed 5 SAIL ACT: Play when more than one player reacts to a player inflicting hits. Get a Control card from
your deck and attach it to the sea either of those ships are in. Shuffle your deck. "They were too busy betraying
one another, so the Capital V and I set up shop here while they weren't looking." - Allende the Mighty She's
Gone... ACT: Tack Espera or Guy McCormick. "Ah, come now...she's in a better pla-" - Inil to Espera, before
he realized what he was saying. Something Really Stupid ACT: Tack a Sea Dogs Captain. "I calculated
the odds of success vs. the odds I was doing something really stupid...and I went ahead and did it anyway." - Crow T.
Robot It's Stuck! ACT: Tack and Reis card in play. "Well, the good news is that the mast is intact,
the bad news is that the Captain is going to kill someone once an hour until someone can get his scythe out of the mast."
- Natalia Ivanova Tripped on the Cloak ACT: Tack Enrique Orduno. "Hold, I think I've found him!"
called Botas Rojas. "No wait, it's just another fold of the cloak." In It For The Guilders ACT:
Tack the General. "I think someone whould check on the General. He's been locked up in his quarters with the Shopping
Channel for the last two days." - Rosamonde du Montaigne Someone Thinks The Brotherhood Is Good ACT:
Untack Allende. "Cripes, do I have to do all the work around here?" A Quarter-Second of Remorse
ACT: Tack Kheired-Din. "Should I be merciful? No...well...No." Senility ACT: Tack Philip
Gosse. Philip Gosse: "Now my boys, let's get ready to give them...give them..." Andre Braudel: "Hell,
sir?" Philip Gosse: "Yeah, that's it! Let's get ready to give them Hell!" She Has a Hat?
REACT: Tack a Celedoine you control. Cancel an action other than a Boarding Attack being played during a Boarding. "I
never got that far." Going Postal REACT: Cancel an action targeting Gerald Hohne. "HGFGHFDDHGGHDHDHDGGGHFGDHD!"
- Gerald Hohne Yoritomo 12 INF MIRROR ATTACHMENT ACT: Tack to inflict a 10-Hit Boarding Attack on
any ship in this sea. "Surely this Necros is a minion of the Shadowlands. He will taste the holy justice my
warsickles straight up his arse!" - Yoritomo Groan 3 INF ACT: Tack any card with a pun printed
on it. "Will someone poke Mortis and make sure he's still undead?" - Victor of Luthon Syrneth
User's Manual 4 Seas Away ACT: Tack 5 Adventuring (7 if you know how to pronounce Syrneth). CREW ATTACHMENT *
ITEM: Tack to get a Syrneth Adventure from your deck and play it as though it were just played. Attach Syrneth User's
Manual to any Sea. "Okay, we got the powder. How do we use it?" - Joern Keitelsson "Hold on, the
instructions are around here somewhere..." - Riant Gaucher Refugees 5 ADV TRADE SEA ATTACHMENT
* CONTROL ACT: Tack to inflict a 2-Hit Cannon Attack on any Ship in this Sea. ACT: Tack to get a Control from your
deck and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck. "These strangers are very peculiar. Many of them speak a dialect
of Avalonian descent, I hear. Some of them are called Law Dogs and are perfectly happy to sail with Bonnie. The
Blackjacks seem at home on Reis' ship. Even the peculiar creatures called 'The Collegium' get along with McCormick."
- Julius Caligari Urza's Hydrofoil Unaligned Ship Move Cost: 3 Crew Maximum: 10 ACT: Tack to
pay the full Adventuring cost of any nonunique Artifact Adventure. REACT: Tack before performing action to more this
ship to an adjacent Sea. The League of 'Din-Haters 8 SWASH FORBIDDEN SEA ATTACHMENT REACT: Tack
when Thomas Kohler says something to tell him to shut up. "If you smelllllll-" "SHUT UP!"
Fresh Newspaper ACT: Tack Mr. Briggs. "They surrender. What do you think we should do, Mr. Briggs?"
Mr. Briggs only stared plaintively before finishing his business. "You heard him, boys. Drop your breeches."
Really Big Rat ACT: Tack any Asprey or Belit in play. "UNLEASH THE FURY!" - Tom Green
"Got Your Nose!" REACT: Sink a non-Captain crew that has targeted Reis since last turn. "Come
on, Captain, it's just a joke!" - Mark Scars' last words "You Killed My Father..." ACT: Tack
Torvo Espada. "Let it rest, guys." - Anonymous lurker It's Not Broken Anymore ACT: Sink all
Fine Galleys in play. ACT: Sink Torvo Espada. REACT: Cancel and sink Betrayal. "Make sure you make it a common,
too." - Erik Yaple Pointless Storyline Question ACT: Tack any card with more flavor text than game
text. "So, if Reis and Celedoine were to somehow to have a child, what do you think he/she would be like?" -
The Naughty Vesten, directly before being forcefully unsubscribed. Ship Full of Cute Redheads EXPLORER CAPTAIN
ATTACHMENT LETTER OF MARQUE * UNIQUE REACT: Tack to remove the Loyal Trait from a cute redhead and pay the Influence
cost to hire her. "I don't care if it involves eight hours a day of digging. That means some of the crew will need
massages afterwards." And then the Naughty Vesten simply grinned. Either Oar Corsairs Crew Cost:
4 Cannon: 0 Sailing: 4 Adventuring: 0 Influence: 0 Swashbuckling: 2 Unique * Rower * Either Oar has
+3 Swashbuckling and +3 Sailing when he has an Oar attached. "Damned if I know why, but he seems to enjoy screaming
'KABONG!' whenever he hits someone with that thing." - Edahgo Disco Inferno 5 ADV ACT: Untack all
Captains. "I will survive!" - Yngvild Olafsdottir Use the Force(tm) 7 SAIL ACT: Go through
your deck for a Glamour, Porte, Fate, Fear, or Pyrerym Knack and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck. "All well
and good, Alesio," Allende said, shaking his head. "But I'm afraid we can't take you to Dagobah so you can complete
your training. We don't even know where it is." Syrneth Rollerskates 1 Sea Away ACT: Tack 4 Adventuring
(3 if in the Forbidden Sea). Crew Attachment * Item * May not be attached to Captives, Topmen, or Rowers * Whenever this
Crew tacks to produce skill points, draw and discard the top card of your deck. If it's a Slash, Dagger, or Thrust, this
crew produces an additional point of that skill. If it's a Punch, your ship suffers two hits. "Everything was going
fine until Red finally got sick of Hoskuld wearing those things all the time." - Thordis Bjerregard. "This
Is My BOOMSTICK!" 2 ADV REACT: Play instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Go through your deck for a Musket,
and attach it to one of your untacked Crew, paying all costs. "Amazing how he never has to reload the damn thing..."
- Martin Tytus The Kire Has Spoken REACT: Inflict 5 Hits on any ship controlled by a player who just attempted
an Action no longer legal because of errata, Most Recent Printing, or a ruling. "All right guys, the intent behind
this card was..." - The start of way too many e-mails The Naughy Vesten Vesten Crew Cost: 6
Cannon: 3 Sailing: 0 Adventuring: 5 Influence: 0 Swashbuckling: 3 Unique * Naughty * The Naughty Trait
counts as both Heroic and Villianous for the purpose of playing actions. ACT: Tack to whine about your lack of card
base. ACT: Tack to complain about how much the Vesten suck. ACT: Tack to make fun of something. "Why do we
have HIM along?" - Red Thorfild "Bring It!" ACT: If your Captain has more attachments than
the rest of your Crew combined, he gains +5 Swashbuckling until the end of this turn. "The 'Din says..." - Kheired-Din's
theme music "How Do I Move?" 1 ADV ACT: Target a Crew with more attachments than printed Swashbuckling.
Tack that Crew, and that Crew may not untack next turn. "Damn but this guy's casket is heavy. Who was Mordekei,
again?" Cleft In Twain REACT: Play when you inflict hits during a Boarding Attack. If you deal more
than 12 hits, you may go through your deck for any Hull Damage card and attach it to your opponent's ship. Shuffle your deck.
"That's the first time I've ever seen anyone cut a divot in the deck." - Inil, after being narrowly missed
by Torvo Espada Slap Your Face Off REACT: Play instead of a playing a card for a Boarding Attack if the
Crew you push forward only has 1 Swashbuckling. This creates a Punch Boarding Attack that may not be reversed. "Take
that, saucy knave!" - Rosamond du Montaigne Pickle Barrel to the Head REACT: Play instead of playing
a card for a Boarding Attack if the Crew you push forward to defend has at least 4 Swashbuckling but no Swordsman bonus.
Discard this Crew and the opposing Crew. "Heck, I was thinking of skewering him. But if knocking him goofy with
a barrel works, then it works." It's Not The Craw! 2 SWASH ACT: Sink any Panzerhand or Hand attachment
in this Sea. "It's the Claw! THE CLAW!" - The Claw Puffy Shirt 2 INF CREW ATTACHMENT
+1 Influence "Yeah, it looks kind of strange. But the ladies love it." He Shoots! He Scores!
1 SWASH REACT: Play when a single Crew tacks to produce more than 5 Cannon. This card attached to that Crew and gives
that Crew +2 Influence. Men In Tights 10 ADV Heroic Captain Attachment ACT: Sink Men in Tights to
pay the full Influence cost of any Crew pictured wearing any form-fitting clothes. "WE'RE BUTCH!" - The Merry
Men Sisterhood of the Coast REACT: Play when a player assumes a Crew is male in reference to a hypothetical
situation. Slap him. "I have rights, too!" - Gillian the Razor The Vesten Braiders REACT:
Reduce the cost of any Crew with a braid pictured on their art by 3. "I'm working on getting dreads." - Thordis
Bjerregard Gosse's Disgruntledmen REACT: Bow one of your Fine Galleys when a Crew is becoming tacked from
performing an action. Untack that crew after the action resolves (if it resolves). "Where's my dinner?" - Martin
Tytus The Crimson Dodgers REACT: Play when you tack a Crimson Roger Crew to absorb hits. That Crew
absorbs 5 extra hits. "Whoa! That one almost hit me!" - Samuel Smitts The Sea Frogs REACT:
Play when hiring a Montainge Crew. They are also considered to be Sea Dogs crew while on your ship. "Where am I
supposed to be, again?" - Timothy le Beau Cut His Belt REACT: Tack when you inflict hits during a Boarding
Attack. If the opposing Crew would have to sink to absorb the hits, instead reduce the hits to zero and subtract one from
all of the Crew's skills personally. "Funny, I always figured Berek for a boxers man, myself." - Reis
Wrong Boat 5 ADV/5 ADV REACT: Play after a Boarding ends. Switch one Crew without the No Attachments trait you
pushed forward with a Crew your opponent pushed forward at some point during the Boarding. These Crew both lose the Loyal
trait. "Um, okay...hey, Reis, you need a strega?" - Alesio Hit'em With a Shovel! REACT: Play
instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Target one of your Explorers Crew. That Crew now inflicts 4 extra hits until the
end of this turn. "Hand me my spade, Rose." - Vincent Calloway Loose Plank REACT: Play instead
of performing a Boarding Attack. Tack one your crew to tack an opposing Crew with less Adventuring. "I knew I left
that board loose for a reason." - William Dunn Where's the Powder Roon? 3 CAN ACT: Tack a crew
with 0 Cannon. "So after I light the fuse, then what do I do?" Where's the Crow's Nest? 3
SAIL ACT: Tack a crew with 0 Sailing. "No way. I am NOT going up there." Hey, I'm Here For
The Guilders! 3 ADV ACT: Tack a crew with 0 Adventuring. "I can't go in the jungle. It's icky."
When Do We Get Paid? 3 INF ACT: Tack a crew with 0 Influence. "This sucks. Where're my guilders?"
The Pointy End Goes In The Other Man 3 SWASH ACT: Tack a crew with only 1 Swashbuckling. "Phallic
objects, the lot of them..." - Rosamunde du Montaigne